Wednesday, June 18, 2014

To or not to

Everything is in One's head.

Fix one's thoughts and fix the world.

No more gyan to ANYONE on ANYTHING.

Communication medium is so limited and depends on so many parameters that I am shocked that I considered myself a good communicator.

Some Parameters
Situation n Circumstances
      Food, Sleep, Time at hand
Mindset n Personality
      Openness for new ideas, agreeable, Opposer
Past experiences
Current mood of information giver
Current mood of information receiver

People only listen to what they expect or want to hear.

So just don't bother!

When it is essential that you have to open your mouth.....  Absolutely essential....

Tell what you have in mind with the intention of communicating your point clearly but don't expect them to understand exactly what you wanted to drive home.  That's NOT HAPPENING!

Even if you ask the audience to paraphrase what you were trying to convey in their own words, they may repeat or voice out your words effectively but still NOT GET IT.

In fact Expect that no one understood a single thing and get started on things which you can do to mitigate the damage.

I think that's why it is said to have action items called out for each party once a meeting is over. Action item with end results expected from each participant and the timelines too.
I wonder if it really works..

Audience has to understand what you are trying to convey and also realise it's importance and why it has to be done in a certain way. Essentially you have to sell them the idea and get their Buy-In. But selling is so not the right word.....

When what you wanna communicate and achieve is for a worthy cause, are not Lead, Inspire and galvanise better words ?

But minding your business is the better option and what each one must try to do. Sorry, no gyan.

So it boils down to Minding one's mind again.


Anyway.  Just Shut Up.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Test Post ! More posts coming up :)